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  • Writer's pictureAllison

Reflections from my Quarter-Life Crisis

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

I have often heard jokes about people having a midlife crisis, prompting them to buy a car, dye their hair, or a range of other actions. However, this year I had what I affectionately and overdramatically call a quarter-life crisis, stemming from a question within - “Where am I going?”

I have been out of college almost 3 years now, am working a steady job, am very involved in my local church, and have lots of friends. My life is full. However, when I look at my life I see myself saying yes to almost whatever comes up. Yes, I will serve here. Yes, I will get coffee with you. Yes, I will play dodgeball in a school fundraiser. I jump from one thing to another, filling my time with good things. The voice within me asks - where is this lifestyle leading me? In other words, where am I going? Over the past few months I have taken quality time to answer this essential question. The answers I reached are highly valuable and motivating, and I wanted to share with you the process of discovering them.

Step 1: Consider your calling to be a good steward

I first began this journey by listening to a Joyful Journey podcast that can be found here called Ordinary Faithfulness. The part that stood out to me the most was when they talked about The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. A man called his servants together and entrusted his wealth to them. When he came back from his journey, his servants gave an account for what they had done with his wealth. For the two men who used the master’s wealth to gain more, the master responded, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” This parable points us to look at what we are doing with stewarding God’s gifts that he has given us. What stood out to me was the part where the servants were rewarded for being faithful with a few things. This begged the question - what are the few things that I should pursue being faithful in?

Step 2: Reflect on who God created you to be

My second step in the journey was listening to recordings of a class offered at my church called Goal-Oriented Leadership. Those six recordings can be found here. The teacher of the class told us that God has created everyone differently, with different passions and skills. While our general purpose is the same (to glorify God), our specific purposes are very different and unique to us. He gave a list of reflection questions to figure out who God created us to be, including some such as:

  • What are your favorite Bible verses, and why?

  • Who are some people you really look up to, and why?

  • When do you feel like you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing?

  • When you leave a legacy behind some day, what do you want to be known for?

I took notes on all of the recordings and accumulated them into a blank Google Doc that you can use to compile your own answers. This Google Doc can be found here (click “file”, and then “make a copy” so you can fill it in.) After I answered those questions, I made a life purpose statement. I found out what was most important to me, and what the few things were that I wanted to pursue.

Step 3: Pursue a few things with laser focus

After I figured out my life purpose statement and what I valued most, I made goals and wrote them down. I have been taking time every Sunday to plan out the upcoming week as well as look forward to the upcoming month and schedule time to pursue that which I value most. If I continue to do this, I believe that saying no to the things that are not my top priorities will become easier, and I will more quickly pursue that which I believe God has gifted me for and has placed on my heart.

Conclusion: The God who can do immeasurably more

One quote that I have been considering recently is from Michelangelo: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” In the last session of the Goal-Oriented Leadership class, the teacher asked us to consider how God is wanting to stretch us, and to consider taking steps even beyond what we are comfortable taking, for God is able to do immeasurably more than anything we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). He asked us to consider how we can widen our impact with our gifts that have been a blessing for a few people in our life. Reflecting on that, I realized that sharing my journey through steps 1-3 with a handful of friends has encouraged them to take similar steps. Writing this blog was an action step for me in attempting to widen the impact of what has blessed others. I pray these reflections I’ve shared and the resources I’ve linked will be a blessing for you as well.

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